Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hair is so over rated!!

Well at least that is what Tanner and Owen think. They have been begging to be skin heads since last year. And since their hair grows like weeds outside. I said why not. But dad said NO. So while giving them trims, he decided to fulfill their dreams. These are the pics of them with their beautiful locks. And below you will find their happy heads.

Tanner has really enjoyed his new look. And I must say it has been really nice to not have to wait for them to brush their hair. Poor Owen he is so fair skinned that he got a really really bad sunburn. He was only outside for an hour. He decided that having hair to cover his noggin is a good thing. We live and learn people. Live and learn!


Unknown said...

what a bold move!
But who can blame them in this heat? I wish I could too. ;)

My 3 Sons said...

Trey used to cut the boys hair when they were 3 & 6. He talked the oldest into a buzz, or zoom as the boys call it, so Mac went first. Weston stood by and watched. After the first pass with the clippers, Weston started to cry. We were surprised cause he wasn't the one getting his hair cut. I asked him why he was crying and he said, "I feel sorry for Mac. He won't like his new haircut." So sweet! Weston wouldn't let Trey cut his hair anymore after that!

Ginger said...

Oh my. You're a better mom than I. Daniel wanted a mohawk. I gave him one. Lasted one day. I couldn't stand the look of it.
Kyle used to do all the boys' haircuts. Now Maya cuts their hair. ;) She's learning so much. The transition to motherhood will be a breeze for her one day.

Vicki said...

Not a better mom, just a little crazier maybe. I really wish I could do it as well. Their hai r has already groen so much. They could probably do this twice in a summer:)

Anonymous said...

Hello, I just found your blog :) I Looooove it :)