Sunday, November 22, 2009

I made it, I made it!!!!

Some of you are aware that I have been a single parent now for the past 6 days. And tonight well it's my last night alone. I love/ hate times like these. I hate that we are away from Bryce. He hates to be away from us. But I LOVE when we reunite. He is ever so happy, and so are WE. We have been talking about our Daddy reunion all day. I am excited about co-op. But really could leave right now. I want/need to be in My Love's arms. I feel so safe there. But I am so incredibly Thankful to my Lord and savior. Because I was rewarded with sweet sleep this time. I was not scared like I normally am. It has been great. But tomorrow, well it will be like heaven:)) I also want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone near and far.

Be Blessed my Friends,


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