Wednesday, October 19, 2011


We have just had a really really tough week. But we made it. And we are all...well most of us...... smiling!! We got back from our dream vacation to Bryce bing sick. He got strep..he has gotten it a few times in our marriage and it normally put's him down. For a guy who never misses work he did 2 days. He went to doctor got a shot that he said hurt and anitibiotics. Some of you are gasping. YES I still hate antibiotics.....but my husband is his own boss. I had a doctor appointment the same day to go over all of my test results. It was a hard appoinment my Dr. told me I have a wheat allergy.....A WHAT? Yep a wheat allergy. She showed me the results. Not only were my numbers high they were in all caps and bold print. She asked me to saty off wheat for 2 months then see an accupuncturist and maybe reset my wheat tolerance. I had to go to the grocery store right after. Thinking that I was going to live on salads. I went to look for french fried onions to put on all my salads. Looked at ingreidient list put it back on the shelf and cried. I then got this overwhelming feeling. What am I going to eat? It was a hard sad night for me. I got home shared with Bryce my sadness and he set me straight. He reminded me that I could have gone back and she told me I had cancer and days to live. She just told me not to have wheat for 2 months. Really? I quickly changed my perspective. Then Wednesday night I got sick........with strep. I have never had the "beast" before. It put me down and hard! I too got on antibiotics. I know *gasp*. But I have never been so weak and sick before in my life. It took me a lot longer to get better. I woke up Monday morning and felt a little better. So glad too because Owen told me his head hurt. I went to touch him and he had a fever. He struggled with fever for 2 days even on meds it got up to 102.8. Then he stared throwing up. I thought at least it's something different. Then yesterday he told me his neck hurt. Well that was my worse symptom. So I loaded him up and went to the Dr. They checked him out thought it was meningitis. After blood work they ruled that out. But the blood work did come back with a very high bacteria count. So back to the lab we went for a more detailed blood work. My poor boy was so weak. I got him his medicine and then back home to rest. He had fever till about 2 this morning. It finally broke. He woke up happy and hungry :) Just waiting on a good report for his bloodwork.

Yes this week was hard and not one I want to repeat anytime soon believe me. BUT we are all alive and we love each other. Some others are dealing with far worse than a week of sickness.

This scripture has been good for me!

1 Timothy 4:7-8
Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

I am Super Blessed!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I'm so glad you're alive and you still love each other! Oh man, Vicki, I am so sorry you had to go thru that mess. Yuck, yuck, yuck!