Saturday, August 21, 2010

Today we were COUNTRY.........

OK let me give you some background here...... Bryce had an extra job to go look at, so naturally(not really) we tagged along. I met this lady here at my house at a birthday party. Anyway we went out to their house to see this job. THEN they took us to their chicken houses....the 180,000 chickens. Yes I wrote 180,000 chickens were picked up last night to get processed. But we wanted to take a tour anyway. Well there were 4 chickens that got away they escaped being put on the truck.......So they gave us one. They offered us all 4 but we just decided to take Ralph! Bryce wanted to teach the boys how too process. It was so gross. I took pictures but had to leave when they were gutting it...So there you go. Explanations are good:) We, well I say we very loosely processed a chicken today. I will have to tell you how it tastes later...........Beware some of these pics are gross!!!!!

The Weapon......

Poor Chicken.....

my daughter stood there eating a Popsicle and did not even budge, her Daddy was so PROUD:)

Owen enjoying holding the chicken up.....not really.

He is so happy with himself!

My Fig tree will never be the same!

Really??? He was so excited to walk up to me with this new friend!

Boiled water makes the feathers come off so much easier.......

Plucking away....

Still plucking................

Yes this pic is blurry...Want to know why? Because my husband was chasing me with a chicken foot wanting me to give it a high five!!!

Tanner on the other pun intended was happy to slap a chicken's foot!

The finished project!!


{amy} said...

Wow. That's impressive! Gross, but impressive! ;)

Ginger said...

You guys are awesome! But what were you thinking turning down free chicken?!

My 3 Sons said...

My oldest raised chickens for the fair for two years! NOT FUN...I repeat....NOT FUN!!! Apparently chickens are too stupid to eat on their own. We had to wake up in the middle of the night to go "stir" them so they would keep eating and growing. We are out of the chicken business. I like to eat chicken, but I'll let someone else raise them cause I like my sleep!! Getting up for a baby is one thing....getting up to feed chickens is "for the birds" Ha!

Edward and Gretchen said...

Glad you have gone before us. You can teach us how.

devotedmomof7 said...

WOW - that makes the $4 spent at Walmart seem well worth it, doesn't it?

Edward and Gretchen said...

GROSS now I hope we do not get any chickens.
