Sunday, March 29, 2009

Are we different???

OK so I have a thought provoking question for you today....


As I sat in church today, you know being a good christian and all, well frankly I was disgusted. Please don't be offended just hear me out. If you think I am wrong let me know. But first let me tell you what was so disgusting. By the way it is not just the church I was at this morning. I am talking about church as a whole in the USA. I am disgusted that we as believers who are called to be DIFFERENT. Are no Different. There was a recent study on Christians and Non Christians.It stated that in general we are the same. We really don't have things that define us as being saved or not. SAD but true the reality is that we are no different from the world. We measure up with divorce, pre-martial sex, we believe homosexuals need rights, and we don't stand for anything that goes against this GREAT USA!!! WHAT! No that's not right. We are different. Or are we? I sat behind a family today whose daughter was in service with her parents, great she was dressed the part of a teeny bop per( you know the same look as every otter kid in America trying to look like the stars). But she read her twilight book the whole time. I have been in service with kids playing there Ds the whole service. Are my kids perfect? Do they sit still ,and take incredible notes. Not yet. But I also am not giving them things to get them through a 2 hour service. So by golly they don't get BORED. I mean really do we not have any standards? Are we just that luke warm? The Bible says that it is better to be cold than luke warm. I am so sad. We are to live our lives different set apart. People should see us and think,"there is something different about them that I want". PLEASE, be differnt. Sometimes that looks radical to this world. You know turn off your T.V. read together, play a game. If we are pleasing our LORD then we should be DIFFERENT!! Have a great day.


Ginger said...

The problem is in how we define "Christian". If anyone who prayed a prayer once upon a time is going to call themselves a Christian (and they definitely do), then of course we won't be any different than the world. But those who are regenerate, who abide in Christ and bear the fruit of repentance, are a different breed altogether. But you can't lump both groups under one title.

And I think you meant pre-marital sex, not pre-martial, unless you actually were talking about karate. lol

Vicki said...

Ginger I was totally talking about Karate!!!!

Shipra Panosian said...

Reading her Twilight book through the service??? Yikes.
God, help us to fight against being religous and feeding our children a fake and fruitless faith.

Ginger said...

I don't understand Christians even reading the Twilight books, regardless of where they're reading them. A vampire romance? Seriously???

Valerie said...

Thanks for being brave and saying what you think, cause yeah, there are a lot of us out here thinking the same thing. We are called to live in the world, but not be of it. It is a fine line. I have teen agers and they go to public school and try so hard to fit in - when that isn't what it is all about. You tell them, well Jesus didn't fit in. That is so very hard for a child to understand. So we keep praying for God to be their conscience and that at some point the foundation we have worked so hard to get their feet planted in, will hold them up when it really matters.